Banking As a Profession

For Young graduate, an attractive offer after college is banking profession. It remains in this most wanted job position for years and it is because it enjoys much respect and prestige in the society. After the extinction of BSRB the only window to enter into this well sought career is Probationary Officers (PO) Exams conducted by individual banks. Banks inducts eligible graduates by this exam for training for a probational period of two years. The selected candidates performance during the probation period will decide their position after training. Different Banks recruit probationary officers during different periods in the year. Students has to keep on watch about the notifications and should be alert on applying promptly.

Career as a Probationary Officer

Pursuing Career as a probationary officer is a unique experience in itself. But it is the most common and highly sought after question that "what a Probationary Officer really do?".After the selection and till the date of joining the same question was making my mind puzzle. Hence I would like to share some of my experience with all of you looking after banks as a career option. I would be sharing my day to day experience within the bank so stay with us ...


October 9 - RO structure

Working in regional office is a different experience than branches. In regional office, there is no customer dealing. We are nearly 25 people in regional office working for 36 branches located in 5 districts under our controlling authority. Our role is to lead branches under our region in a way to confine their activities under the rules & regulations as prescribed by the bank. Assistant General Manager (AGM) scale – V is heading our office. We are having two chief manager scale – IV (one for administrative and other for advances) and different cells working under their guidance. Today I will confirm all the cells information.

Bye Bye


October 8 - Inspection Cell

As I have told earlier, I am working these days in Inspection Cell, Regional Office. I am deputed here to take care of the complaints received direct, through banking ombudsmen (appointed by RBI), through General Manager Office (GMO) or Zonal Office. After receiving a complaint, at first we will be taking up matter to the concerned branch manager (BM) and comments of BM are sought regarding the complaint. BM will be advised to solve out matter with the complainant and receive a satisfaction letter from complainant. We have to prepare a review of the complaint to put up it to competent authority. Competent authority will review the complaint, BM comments and satisfaction letter. If everything is in place then we are allowed to file the complaint otherwise competent authority will be putting some observations on the review and observations are followed as per.

Bye Bye


October 7 - A nice journey


Since a long time, I was unable to update my experience with all of you. Now again I will start sharing my journey towards becoming a successful banker and telling what a probationary officer really does?

In the meantime of 3 months, there has been really a great experience with bank and a richful experience. In those days I learned an important thing that "try to give your full to bank, bank will follow you" i.e. bank will fulfill all the requirement of yours if you are giving your 100 %. Make it sure, bank will never let you down.

So starting from back, Institutional training at Patiala, Infotech Academy was really good. In those 14 days we learned many new things. Each and every new day was full of new things. Bank took care of all the POs in full enthusiasm. There were dedicated teachers for training and facilities were reasonably very good. On a single demand all the material for sports was provided to us. We enjoyed one day trip to Kasouli also. All n all training was a mixture of fun and study. We were near about 50 at the training centre.

Coming back to branch, I was sent to a village for correcting some data regarding Loan Accounts on deputation. I visited that branch for 8 days and checked 200 accounts and succeeded amending two accounts to bring in  regular position from NPA status. After that, I returned back to Hisar Main branch and with in two to three days, regional office called for me. Now I am working in regional office - III, Hisar on deputation for a month now. I am working with Inspection cell especially for complaints of branches and employees. It is interesting work as all the complaints are different all the time. They will require your attention and time. Although this is my training period and I was given Hisar Main branch for General Training like cheque clearing, draft issuing, pass-book, Accounts opening etc. but sitting in inspection cell is also a unique experience.