Banking As a Profession

For Young graduate, an attractive offer after college is banking profession. It remains in this most wanted job position for years and it is because it enjoys much respect and prestige in the society. After the extinction of BSRB the only window to enter into this well sought career is Probationary Officers (PO) Exams conducted by individual banks. Banks inducts eligible graduates by this exam for training for a probational period of two years. The selected candidates performance during the probation period will decide their position after training. Different Banks recruit probationary officers during different periods in the year. Students has to keep on watch about the notifications and should be alert on applying promptly.

Career as a Probationary Officer

Pursuing Career as a probationary officer is a unique experience in itself. But it is the most common and highly sought after question that "what a Probationary Officer really do?".After the selection and till the date of joining the same question was making my mind puzzle. Hence I would like to share some of my experience with all of you looking after banks as a career option. I would be sharing my day to day experience within the bank so stay with us ...


Got confirmed ! Assistant Manager

As the State Bank Group and many other PSBs would require a newly joined officer to undergo probation of 2 years, other Banks in India like Bank of India etc. are having this stipulation for 1 year. During the probation period, an officer is officially called 'Probationary Officer' in the rank of 'Asstt. Manager'. But the same tag remains there for outside people and they will term you 'Probationary Officer' even after 2 years.

After that probation period (during which you can be expelled, giving a suitable reason like Misbehavior at any time, but it is rare), a confirmation exam is held in few Banks (State Bank conducts it and SBI even provides direct promotion chance to Scale II on the basis of performance in this exam) after passing of which probationary officer gets confirmed as an "Assistant Manager".

Our batch of probationary officers got confirmed (including ME) w.e.f. 1st July 2011 except 4 probationary officers because of one or other reasons.